Tuesday, December 5, 2006 |
Monday Madness #3 |
Monday Madness <= click if you want to join the fun.
1) I wish people would just open their hearts to accepting God, and learn to respect each other & themselves.
2) My biggest pet peeve where other drivers are concerened, is their inability to stick to the speed limit, or to indicate when they're about to turn, etc.
3) I will probably spend about $0.00 on holidays this season. (Have no plans for a holiday)
4) I really hope to have all my bills paid by the end of this calendar year.
5) I make about three resolutions each year, and keep all of them.Labels: About me, Memes |
posted by Amanda @ 9:51 AM  |
Friday, December 1, 2006 |
Budgies. |
My daughters budgies - Snowflake & Benny.Labels: Random Photo |
posted by Amanda @ 2:05 PM  |
Blog Fodder #1 |
This weeks Blog Fodder topic is: "What are some of your memorable experiences at school?" - submitted by Jean-Luc Picard
I have so many wonderful memories from my time spent at the Mypolonga Primary School, so I will share some of those, rather than go into details about my experiences at High School, which is something I think is best left in the past..
I remember my first day at school - there was only me and one other boy starting school for the first time that year. His name was Andy, and we became very close friends for the duration of time at Primary School.
I remember the Egg Hunts every Easter - we would spend our recess & lunch times creating little nests under the big peppercorn trees behind the lunch shed. We'd dig holes in the dirt, filling them with the leaves and pink pebbles that had fallen from the trees - I can still recall the smell of these leaves! On the school day that fell closest to Good Friday, everyone would go with their class teachers and see what had been left for them in their nests.
I remember the school concerts at the end of every school year - our drama/music teacher would give each class their own play to put together and act out on stage in the old institute building. These concerts were attended by parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbours, friends, it was really a big event. At the end of each concernt, the entire school (usually about 60 students) would gather on the stage to sing some Christmas carols. At my last concert when in grade 7, a friend and I dressed as Nuns, held candles, and sang The Lords Prayer. Then I changed costumes and danced the Can-Can with the other three girls who were in grade 7 with me. In total there were only seven of us in grade 7, and we were each awarded a special gift that year at the end of the concert. I was introduced to the audience as being the 'mother of the school' I honestly loved going to school. I have so many memories from all the concerts I was a part of for those seven years. 
I can recall all the nature films we watched, all the projects we did on animals and different countries around the world. I can remember watching the olympic games, and writing letters of encouragement to some netball players.
I can remember all the camps we went on - each year we went somewhere different. The YMCA camp - camping at Arbury Park Outdoor School - making a mud-brick house - orienteering - nature walks - playing murder in the dark and storm the lantern - Silk screen printing - nature walks - photography - water activities - too many things to write about!
In summery, I will say that my days of attending Primary School hold some of my most treasured memories.Labels: About me, Memes |
posted by Amanda @ 10:18 AM  |
Thursday Thirteen #2 |

13 Things you'll find on my computer desk! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1) My computer, of course! 
2) A 'verse-a-day' calendar. Today's verse is: For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with you favor as with a sheild. *Psalm 5:12*
3) A printer, complete with some A4 copy paper.
4) A white ceramic vase with blue oriental patterning on one side - I don't keep flowers in this vase, because our cat "KitKat" would try to eat them! So you will only find pens in this vase.
5) Some music CD's - currently I have been listening to 'Falling Into You' - Celine Dion & the Sountrack for Sleepless In Seattle.
6) Two CD-Rom discs that my son owns - Zoo Tycoon, Complete Collection & Taz: Wanted.
7) A postal catalogue from an Australian overstock outlet company - oodirect.
8) A consent form from my daughters school, asking permission for her to visit our local olympic pool as an end of year activity.
9) A consent form from my sons school, asking permission for him to watch a documentary called 'Super size Me'. 10) A cute little teddy sitting on a satin pillow, holding a Christmas stocking and wearing a santa hat.
11) A Christmas tree made of silver wire and silver tinsel - on top of this tree I have placed a gold angel holding a harp, and around the base of the tree are several imitation gifts covered in gold satin, gold foil stars, and gold wire ribbon.
12) A 5 cent coin that my daughter found on the floor this morning.
13) A bluetooth dongle.
Labels: About me, Memes |
posted by Amanda @ 9:38 AM  |
Thursday, November 30, 2006 |
Holiday Meme. |
I saw this meme over @ Heart Of Rachel & knew she wouldn't mind if I played too - thanks Rach 
1) Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?.. I would have to say Egg Nog!
2) Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?.. Both of my children tell me that they are too old for Santa but back when they were little ones, Santa always wrapped the presents.
3) Coloured lights on tree/house or white?.. I am a 'christmas lights-a-holic' I just love them! I have coloured and white, and musical lights as well!
4) Do you hang mistletoe?.. Sadly we don't have any real mistletoe but we do hang some fairly realistic looking 'fake' mistletoe.
5) When do you put your decorations up?.. Usually during the first weekend of December - we'll be busy this weekend! 
6) What is your favourite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?.. This is an impossible question for me to answer! I love the salads, the fruit platters, everything!! 
7) Favourite holiday memory as a child?.. I have so many holiday memories that I cherish - I just loved the feeling of Christmas as a child - the love that seemed to be in the air - the fun of sneaking under the tree with my sis, late Christmas eve when everyone else was sleeping - visiting Nan & Grandpa on Christmas eve - helping Mum prepare the food while listening to her favourite Boney M Christmas album - sitting outside, searching the night sky for the biggest star, convinced it was the star of Bethlehem. My list of favourite memories is honsetly endless 
8) When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?.. I was quite young - it was when I recognized that Santa's handwriting was very similar to my step fathers 
9) Do you open a gift on Christmas eve?.. Absolutely! It is a tradition I started on my son's first Christmas 
10) How do you decorate your Christmas tree?.. Decorating of the tree is something my children love to do on their own - though I help them with the lights and the actual erecting of the tree. My son is a real sweetheart, he always loves to help his sister reach the top of the tree to put the star in place 
11) Snow! Love it or Dread it?.. I've never experienced snow though I often find that "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" It will happen one day - God willing!
12) Can you ice skate?.. I've never tried!
13) Do you remember your favourite gift?.. I'd have to say that my favourite gift as a child was a xylophone, I just loved it!
14) What's the most important thing about the holidays for you?.. The most important thing for me is to keep it real. It's sad that the true meaning of Christmas is becoming lost amongst the dash to get the right gifts, and all the other seemingly 'important' things to do. I always make sure that my children don't forget why there's a Christmas - it's important that they first remember Jesus and spend some time in prayer before they go under the tree. It's so sweet to hear them wishing Jesus a happy birthday, and thanking God for everything 
15) What is your favourite holiday dessert?.. My Mum's pavalova 
16) What is your favourite holiday tradition?.. In childhood it was always a tradition to visit with Nan & Grandpa on Christmas eve. Mum would cook a delicious meal, Nan would make yummy toffee's, and we would stay there til after dark 
17) What tops your tree?.. A huge gold star! When I was a child it was always a beautiful angel dressed in gold, with a halo above her head and a star in her hand.
18) Which do you prefer - Giving or Receiving?.. Giving! Without a doubt! It is such a blessing to be able to give to others.
19) What is your favourite Christmas song?.. I love Christmas songs just as much as I love Christmas lights, if not more! If I'm pushed to name a favourite, I'd have to say it would be O Holy Night - I get tingles every time I hear it 
20) Candy canes - Yuck or Yum?.. I don't particularly like eating them, but I love what they represent! Labels: About me, Memes |
posted by Amanda @ 9:56 AM  |